Friday, May 14, 2010

Kai to Work with Dad

Novell had Kids to Work day a few weeks back and so Kai came to spend half a day with me at work. We had a great time with all of the activities. He got to watch a play and a puppeteer and pet snakes and lizards. They had classes on engineering, marketing, security, and many others that they made pretty fun for the kids too. The girls came and met us for lunch at the end and watched the puppet show. We had a great time...... probably because none of what we did had anything to do with what I actually do at work :)


Stephen and Debbie said...

I love the sailing picture... Like Jeremy works on a boat or something. So funny. It looks like it was a great day for the two of them.

The Hall Family said...

Fun! And the question is... What is it you actually do? haha.