Friday, April 25, 2014

Slumber Party - Sheep Style

Two adorable lambs got to have a sleep over at our house (long story). Anyway, the kids were heart broken when they found out they weren't staying so I did a little photo shoot for memory sake.

Kai and Natalie loved these two, and what's not to love they are sooo cute! Although in the morning they were covered with poop, but still cute nonetheless. The kids named them Brownie and Snowbell.

Nicole thought they were cute and played for a little while and then got bored. She likes animals, but only in small doses. 

Natalie walked around the yard singing "Mary Had a Little Lamb" and thought it was so funny that they followed her. 

Remember how Nicole got bored? Well she then took the opportunity to photo bomb as many pictures as she could. She was a little jealous of the attention the lambs were getting. 

Ahhh, so cute!

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