Thursday, June 13, 2013

Our Gymnast

Natalie started gymnastics a few years back and then wanted to stop. Last year she asked to start again and all the kids wanted to go, so I put them all in classes. Natalie broke her elbow in October on bars and had to stop. She also needed surgery and 6 months of physical therapy! Kai didn't like going alone (Nicole has switched to a day time team by then) so he dropped out. Soon it was just Nicole and boy is she a natural!!

Nicole had her end of the year parent performance where they showed us all the skills they've been working on. I go watch every time so I know what goes on there, but Jeremy hasn't been able to come as much. I could't get close enough for a decent shot on some events, but here she is on bars. She got her pull over all by herself that day! 

We were going to pull her out for summer for financial reasons, but her coach didn't want to let her go. She is now on scholarship to the gym for a few months! Natalie is begging to go back, but I want to give her a few more months to think about it, plus we can't afford it at the moment. I think Natalie would excel at music or swimming instead. 

Look how happy she is that she just did her her pull over!!

My flash didn't fire here so it's a little dark, but look at that split back walkover.

Here is the cute team. All the girls are 3-4. She has since moved up to the 4-5 year old class.

1 comment:

MDrake said...

Nicole is so adorable! I would love to be able to see her in action as well as these pictures!